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GDPR: How small companies can get ready for it (and why you can’t just ignore it)

We’ve been working on getting ready for the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for the past few months, and have made significant progress in advance of when the law goes into effect on May 25, 2018. We had to make some interesting decisions and trade-offs along the way, especially since we’re a small company without legal counsel on staff. I wanted to share a few thoughts on what we learned along the way to becoming GDPR compliant, with the hope that it will help streamline the process for your business.

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The things that annoy you about Postmark

Last week Chris wrote a blog post about The Little Survey That Could. We asked our customers one simple question: “What annoys you about Postmark?” Overall 81 people responded, and we want to let you know what the biggest annoyances were (and what we plan to do about them). There were a few one-off things as well, but in this post I’ll focus on the things that came up more than once (don’t worry, we’re working on some of those one-off things as well!). So here they are, in order of frequency… the things that annoy you most about Postmark.

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Feature announcement: Sender Signature Search

This one has been a long time coming… Today we’re happy to announce that you can now — yes, finally — perform searches on the sender signatures page. No more going all the way to page 594 (yes, some accounts really have that many sender signatures!) to find that one elusive one you’re looking for.

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The official Postmark Slack App

Even though you can currently use Zapier to get notifications for a variety of Postmark events, we’re currently working on expanding your options for being notified of bounces and ways to handle them. So one of the (many!) projects we worked on during our hack weeks at the beginning of the year is an official Postmark Slack App, and we’re happy to announce that it’s now live and ready to use.

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Postmark’s recent and upcoming maintenance

In the last two months we’ve had two big maintenance windows. During this time we had to queue messages and bring most services down. This caused significant delays (up to 30 minutes) for the important, time sensitive emails that you need to get to customers. Even though it was a planned maintenance, our goal is to perform zero downtime maintenance windows. I’d like to give some background on what happened and what we need to do next.

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