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New Postmark changelog

For those of you who want to stay on the cutting edge of Postmark improvements, we’ve launched a brand new changelog where we’ll document every update so you’re always up on the latest news.

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How to curb failed payment issues with reliable email delivery

Transactional emails are dead in the water without world-class email deliverability. And failed outreach can quickly wreak havoc on recurring revenue. Dunning emails, in particular, are dangerous to leave in the hands of a shaky email delivery service. If you cannot rely on their delivery, you could be losing customers and revenue right under your nose.

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Introducing Postmark for iOS

Email is a critical component of most web applications, and we know how important it is to have the tools to quickly investigate and resolve any delivery issues. The Postmark iOS app allows you to take our powerful email monitoring and troubleshooting tools with you wherever you go.

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