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Sending transactional emails via Firebase and Cloud Functions

In this tutorial, we’ll walk through how you can start sending transactional emails through Firebase utilizing Google Cloud Functions.

Quick intro to Firebase and Cloud Functions Firebase

Google Firebase offers a number of products that help speed up the development of both mobile and web applications. The cornerstone product is their real-time database which offers a No-SQL style JSON store. It’s pretty magical to work with. Combine it with their free authentication service, and you can build entire applications with just front-end code (HTML, CSS, JS).

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Notify your customers about email delivery issues with Rebound

Dealing with hard bounces can be a pain in the butt. An email sent to your customer hard bounces and they’re stuck waiting for it to show up in their inbox. It may not be your fault, but most customers won’t see it that way. To them, the email is just missing.

Hard bounces are inevitable. They can happen for a bunch of reasons, and you usually don't have any control over them. Building features that notify your customers about delivery issues is a step in the right direction but require a significant amount of design and development time. So, features like this often get put on the back burner. And, as a result, the burden gets shifted to your support team.

This is why we built Rebound. Rebound is an embeddable javascript snippet that prompts customers to update their email address if there was a hard bounce. This way your customers aren't left in the dark about delivery issues. We even provide a notification builder so you can customize the appearance and messaging without having to write a bunch of code.

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Feature announcement: now do way more with webhooks

One of our most popular features in Postmark is webhooks, which give you the ability to receive real-time notifications for events like bounces, opens, and clicks in the form of HTTP POSTs to a URL you specify. This allows you to take action on various email events without having to make any calls to our API. For example, you can use bounce webhooks to mark an email address in your application as inactive, and provide your users with a way to correct their email address if they entered it incorrectly in your application.

Up to now these webhooks have been limited. You were only able to add a single URL for an event, and you were only able to get notifications for one event at a time. It’s still a useful feature, but this 1:1 relationship between URL and event was holding back some of the more powerful things you can do with webhooks.

Well, we’re happy to say that with the introduction of fully modular webhooks, all of that is changing today.

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