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Recent Issues with Activity Page and Bounce Hooks

Over the last couple of months, Postmark’s growth has resulted in some recurring problems for our customers that we wanted to take the time to acknowledge and address.

In order to provide you delivery diagnostic tools like the send activity screen and bounce hooks, we store large volumes of information for all customers’ send activity. This activity and dataset is not used for sending your email, just retrieving the history. As Postmark usage has grown, the storage of transactional messages had grown to a point where customers were encountering timeouts on activity screens, and delays in the processing of bounced emails. It became clear that we needed to evaluate our options to eliminate these problems.

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GoSquared turned to Postmark when they needed fast, reliable email delivery

The truth is that not all email is created equally. That is to say, SOME email is extremely important to be delivered reliably, and on time. We’ve found that many Postmark customers rely on us for just that, delivering critical emails like transaction confirmations and invoices, and important account notices like forgot password emails.

We spoke to James Gill, CEO of GoSquared, about his decision to use Postmark for their system-critical emails.

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Welcome Email Redesign: Freckle Time Tracking

We recently had the pleasure of working with Amy Hoy and Thomas Fuchs from Slash7 on a redesign of their welcome email. Their time tracking tool for freelancers, consultants and small teams, Freckle, has an awesome design. The welcome email, however, was plain text and too boring compared to the rest of the product. We offered to take a go of it and redesign their email welcoming free account signups. Here’s what we did, and why!

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Proof: DKIM and SenderID Improve Delivery

Most of you know Postmark as a tool to send your transactional emails and track delivery. What many people don’t know is that a big part of our service is troubleshooting actual delivery problems with customers. We have an excellent infrastructure and a fantastic reputation with the ISPs. While that gets most emails delivered, we’ve learned that even the slightest content issue can send your email to bulk. Here is a great example from a recent review with a customer.

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