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Access 45 days of your transactional email content and events

There are a few questions you want to answer about email for your application. Like was an email sent? Was it successfully delivered? What exactly did we send to this email address? Sending email from your own server can leave you unable to answer these questions, and that's part of the reason we include 45 days of message history for every account. This includes HTML, text, and raw source data for each message.

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The quest to curtail email littering

Sending email that litters recipients inboxes is bad. It lowers engagement and saps the goodwill people have with your product. Preventing these emails is a challenge, but one that pays off for your business over time. There are a few things you can do to help your product cut out email littering.

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Postmark product update: June 2016

We work on a lot of things at Postmark, but we don’t always do a good job telling you about our progress. Since we really see our customers as partners, this is something we want to get better at. So, starting with this post, I’m going to let you know a lot more frequently how we’re making Postmark better. Not all of the things we do are big features—some are related to performance and scaling, some are bug fixes, others help us provide better support for you. But we think you should know about all of it, because we’re in this together.

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