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DMARC: Handling unknown sources

Our latest push for DMARC support has been a huge success. Once we get through I’ll publish the results. So far I’ve been handling some of the more in depth questions about DMARC in support.

The number one question I get is: What should I do with unknown/threats in reports?

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MessageEvents: Every message event in one API call

In July, we added Delivery Confirmations to the details activity screen of email messages. This allowed users to see, with certainty, that messages were actually being delivered to recipient email servers. The task we were trying to accomplish was to give even more transparency to the life-cycle of the message. Even if the message was marked as “Sent” in Postmark, it may not have reached the recipient immediately for a variety of reasons.

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September 22nd service issues

Over the past few days, Postmark has experienced volatility in API response times and email delivery times. We owe everyone an explanation. The majority of the issues were due to increased load on our MySQL database servers, mostly caused by disk IO saturation. On Tuesday, September 22nd this came to a head when we experienced severe email delays and culminated in us having to perform an emergency maintenance, bringing the entire application down to failover to a second MySQL server.

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How to easily add a sender image to Gmail, Thunderbird, Postbox, Airmail and more

In a previous post we discussed why it’s a good idea to include an image of the person who “sends” a transactional email. Adding an image of the person who sent your transactional email increases its value because it becomes more personal and friendly to recipients of it. When your transactional email is personalized and friendly, users open and act on them more.

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