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Delivery toolbox: Google Postmaster Tools

Recently Google announced a new tool to monitor your email delivery for messages sent to Gmail and Google Apps. It’s called Google Postmaster Tools.

With this tool, you can see detailed information about the messages that Gmail receives from your domain. This could include emails from your regular mailboxes, marketing emails, transactional (such as those sent from Postmark) and more. For instance, you can see domain and IP reputation, spam rates, encryption usage, and email authentication success/failure rates.

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Launch: Delivery confirmations

Historically in our activity, we marked a message as “Sent” when it was pushed off to our mail servers. The problem is that while we displayed the message as Sent, it could still be sitting in the mail server queue waiting for delivery. This can happen if a remote mail server (Yahoo, Gmail, etc) is overloaded or we needed to throttle messages to maintain acceptable delivery. Starting today, you will now see a “Delivered” record for every message in activity showing not only the time it was accepted by the the remote mail server, but the actual server and IP that accepted it.

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Elasticsearch & SmartOS

The Postmark team has been busy with our continuing effort to double down on Elasticsearch. In our more recent efforts, we have been focused on increasing the stability and availability of our infrastructure. Automating and adopting the SmartOS platform have been at the forefront of our goals. If you’re considering Elasticsearch on SmartOS, I encourage you to read on!

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