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Designing a modern email

It’s not unusual to have a flashback to the Netscape Navigator 4 and Internet Explorer 5 days when working on an HTML email. The quality of rendering engines is totally inconsistent, most modern development techniques are unavailable, and even images – an essential element of many emails – are turned off by default in many clients. This can feel like 1998, but the web development community has learned a lot since then. Strategies like progressive enhancement and modern tools like Litmus can help us build HTML emails suited for today’s Babylon of inconsistent desktop clients, various web clients, tablets, smartphones, and high resolution displays.

Last month we decided to start sending educational emails to new Beanstalk customers to familiarize them with our features. The plan was to send a total of three emails with a set interval between them. After designing these emails I decided to explain my process and go through the tools and techniques I used

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Our Recent Activity Issues

Over the past week and a half, Postmark has suffered numerous outages and delays on our front-end activity feed. While these issues have never negatively affected our API, sending, or the delivery of messages, it has caused a lot of confusion for our customers and for that we are profoundly sorry.

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Bye, MongoDB. Hello, Cloudant!

The past seven days have been a whirlwind. I know a lot of our customers have noticed some issues with activity and sending the last few days after our migration. I want to give an update on what happened and what we have to look forward to.

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