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Feature announcement: advanced permissions

Hang on everyone, we’re not quite done for the year! Today we’re releasing one of our most-requested features: advanced user roles and permissions. For the longest time we’ve only had two types of accounts: a single Account Owner, and separate Viewers. Viewers are only able to view reports, email activity, and receive email digests for the servers they are assigned to. They don’t have access to the account details, templates, sender signatures, server settings, or any credentials.

This makes sense for small companies, but it created a bunch of issues for our users who need multiple people to work on different accounts and servers.

Introducing Account and Server Admins (oh, and Billing notifications) #

So, today, we’re adding two new roles to Postmark: Account Admins and Server Admins. Here’s how it all fits into the bigger scheme of things:

Role Access
Account Owner [NO CHANGES] Has view and edit rights to all account information and servers. Can add users, change server specifics, and even delete the account.
Account Admin [NEW] Has all the permissions of an Account Owner, except they can’t delete the account.
Server Admin [NEW] Has access and edit rights to all the information on servers they are assigned to. Can edit templates, view server API Tokens and inbound email addresses, etc. They cannot see a list of all servers, or view any account-related details.
Server Viewer [NO CHANGE] Still only able to view reports, email activity, and receive email digests for the servers they are assigned to.

As part of these changes we’re also adding another piece of functionality we’ve had a lot of requests for: the ability to add additional email addresses to send billing notifications to. These users won’t have user accounts on Postmark, but they will now be able to get the receipt, payment error, and credit usage information they need without having to log in anywhere. This is especially useful for companies where receipts need to go to an Accounting department.

New billing notifications on Postmark
New billing notifications on Postmark

Redesigned Users area #

That’s not all… We’ve also taken the opportunity to improve the Users area a little bit. Since you might now have a lot more users in your account, we wanted to make sure the UI is still easy to use with multiple users. The Users page now includes filtering, as well as easily recognizable badges to view roles.

New Users page on Postmark
New Users page on Postmark

On an individual user’s page, you’ll now see options to assign different levels of access for each server (or all servers):

Assigning permissions in Postmark
Assigning permissions in Postmark

And finally, we also redesigned the user invitation flow so that you can assign roles right from the invitation page:

User invitation flow on Postmark
User invitation flow on Postmark

Need more info? #

For a more detailed walkthrough of how all of this works, we put together a new Help article called How do I set a user’s permissions?

Two-factor Authentication is coming #

As exciting as this release is on its own, it’s also the first step to adding another feature many of you have been clamoring for: two-factor authentication. I’m happy to say that 2FA is already in development, and we hope to release it early in the New Year.

And with that, I want to remind that we’re always keen to hear your feedback. You can send us an email directly. We have a huge 2017 planned and we can’t wait to share it with you.

Happy Holidays (and sending!)

Rian van der Merwe

Rian van der Merwe

Product person. Lover of family, coffee, and vinyl records.