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Adding users to your account | Postmark Support Center

Adding users to your account

First, always remember:

If you get invited to more than one account, you’ll need to create new unique logins (Username and password) for each account you’re a user on, and they can all be associated with the same email address.

To add a new user to your Postmark account:

  1. Open the Users page and click Invite Users
  2. Enter the email address(es) of the new user(s).
  3. Note: If you choose to add multiple users at once, they will have the same roles that you choose during the user invite process. 
  4. To make the new user(s) an Account Admin, check the Account Admin field:
  5. Or, If you do not want them to have account-wide access but do want them to be able to manage and modify specific Server(s), leave Account Admin unchecked and instead click on the dropdown arrow next to the Server name(s) you want them to have access to.You will then see the option to give the new user(s) either Full access (Server Admin - can edit Server information and settings), View only (Server Viewer - can view the Server’s Activity and Statistics), or No access (default). Permissions are set on a server by server level.

    Read more about User Permission Levels here
  6. When you have decided on the role the new user(s) should have, click Send Invites. The new user(s) will then receive an invitation to complete the process and set the name and username/password they will use for logging in.
Last updated October 25th, 2024

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