Do you support emoji in message body & subject lines?
Yes we do! 💌 You can add emoji to the body and/or subject of your emails sent through Postmark.
Rendering Issues
Be aware that some email clients don’t encode all emoji properly, which means they will sometimes replace a valid emoji with a � character. This is related to how individual SMTP clients support emoji and not our implementation of emoji encoding. Remember that various Operating Systems and email clients have differing levels of emoji support, this is especially true as new batches of emojis are rolled out. Using a tool like Litmus to see how the message renders on different email clients is good practice.
Impact on Spam Score
Adding a lot of emoji to your emails can also cause some ISPs to believe the emails are spam. We recommend using our SpamCheck Tool to make sure the amount of emoji used in your emails is not raising the email’s SpamAssassin score.